Thursday, January 28, 2016

On the Road to 'Aha 2016

This summarizes my view of our condition, generally good-natured but impatient. Among our group we are discussing many solid steps and great designs. I hope our meetings can generate substantive future development proposals. Our role is to propose & suggest -- not to impose or rule.

We gather at the 'Aha to discuss suggestions & concerns for the future of Native Hawaiians.

We are each Native Hawaiian, each nominated by ten Native Hawaiians, part of a peaceful effort where tens of thousands of Native Hawaiian people actively participated -- until our voting process was imperiously blocked in a 5-4 injunction by the U.S. Supreme Court. Subjugation of Native Hawaiians in Hawaii is continuing.

Our combined voices are nonetheless heard worldwide: do not expect continuing silence about colonial suppression and the American militarization of our peaceful homeland. Our legacy is the beautiful Hawaiian archipelago, cherished, farmed and protected by Native Hawaiians over many centuries.

Native Hawaiians speak of struggle. We struggle against genocide; naturally we seek to avoid further destruction of our people. We've withstood deadly infections brought from overseas. We've survived occupation by hostile settlers. But we've also learned new techniques and technology, and we have welcomed many newcomers into our community with love & aloha.

We are descended from Native Hawaiians, the indigenous people of Hawaii. But we Native Hawaiians are now multiracial and multi ethnic, a peaceful community still delivering our world-famous Aloha.

We welcome visitors and non-Native friends, sharing blessings between families and the wider community. Some arrive seeking to steal from us, taking criminal advantage of Hawaiian hospitality. Sadly, some in America encourage bad behavior. We do not accept the occupation & theft of our common & Crown lands and surrounding seas.

Hawaii's indigenous & aboriginal people seek peaceful reconciliation, but we will not give up our legal claim to the lands of our ancestors we inherit as descendants. Yankee tries to block many paths with race-based claims of exclusivity. Yet most American grandchildren & great-grandkids are not kept from their inheritance simply because a qualification to inherit is greatly exclusive (e.g., descended from grandma Bush or great-grandfather Rockefeller); these others inherit through their mix of great-grandparents, only indigenous peoples in America face such prejudice and property pilferage.

We inherit responsibilities from ancestors as well as benefits. Native Hawaiians perpetuate the righteousness of our lands, protecting and nurturing wider life and the natural world. WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER. We are determined to greatly improve the pervasive health problems and substandard living conditions hobbling many Native Hawaiians.

The 150+ Native Hawaiians meeting for 'Aha 2016 are eager to help improve the lives of our families, cousins, and community. We are not empowered to institute new treaties, or to impose our decisions on anyone. Nothing we do is intended to relinquish any past, present, or future claims of sovereignty by Native Hawaiians.

Native Hawaiians belong to a family and community association stretching back many centuries, and have welcomed all races and religions.   Aloha.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Kanaka Māoli: I Support Native Hawaiian Inheritance

I'm involved in a process for Hawaiian rights, where I mean Native Hawaiian -- descendants of the indigenous Hawaiian people. I feel part of an ancient & sacred inheritance. Welcome support for our effort may be offered & received by temporary visitors, American soldiers billeted in Hawaii, recent immigrants, and the families of naturalized Hawaiian Kingdom citizens, etc. But I'm not working for them.

Sorry to be a naysayer, and appear disrespectful.

I'm tempted to say "the more the merrier" because a larger group might have more success. But I believe the core constituency should define ourselves as the descendants and heirs of Hawaii's indigenous or aboriginal people, Kanaka Māoli.

We can hope many social groups will call for the recovery of Native Hawaiian lands. I hope people in other nations will also care about and work for our welfare. We've been very accommodating, with reason to hope others have noticed. Aloha is a well-known reflection of Hawaiian values.

Native Hawaiians worked for centuries on the islands. Naturalized newcomers to the Hawaiian Kingdom joined at a time of great disturbance and cultural genocide. They brought help and new ideas, and many have been great neighbors. But some worked to destroy the Hawaiian Kingdom:

The US 1910 Census (at least in Hawaii) intrusively required answers to "Color or race" and "Place of Birth" as well as places of birth for mother and father, and two questions on Citizenship (Year of immigration to Hawaii or other part of United States) (Whether naturalized or alien). A dozen years before, and since 1893, heavily armed paramilitary groups had commandeered all major streets around Honolulu to discourage uppity or defiant natives resisting the overthrow. Should we divisively examine the community at the time of overthrow and make decisions about treason or saintliness, clouded by time and generation gaps? No naturalized citizens of the Hawaiian Kingdom remain alive. We've no possibilities to cross-examine. What are appropriate penalties? Could we be fair?

Many descendants of Hawaiian Kingdom naturalized citizens now have a "place at the table" through intermarriage with da kine. Kindly requesting others to wait seems not terribly cruel when the glaring status quo alternative is we recover nothing of our inheritance. Of course, we can share freely, and show aloha to anyone (or everyone). But that approach has not proven wholly successful...

Our Native Hawaiian constituency has claims as indigenous people that receive separate scrutiny in the global community and at the United Nations. We share solidarity with native peoples elsewhere. We've been robbed of ancestral lands & our inheritance by extravagant military occupation... a resonant story worldwide.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Peaceful Thinking - Don't Race

It's difficult to root-out indoctrination. Powers wielded over us may be unrecognized.

Opponents of our process to assist Native Hawaiian people are arguing (even repeatedly to the U.S. Supreme Court) we're racist and nasty.  I don't see it.

Our activities have a qualifying condition. Sitting at a family breakfast table also has certain requirement(s). Our wider society abounds with prerequisites. Virginia won't issue a driver's license to someone who's never been there. Male golfers aren't allowed to compete in the LPGA Championship. It's not possible everyone becomes a Roman Catholic priest. The Muscular Dystrophy Association only funds certain people. Voting rights are denied to many Americans due to supposedly insufficient age.

Kamehameha Schools have admission requirements. But children of many backgrounds are admitted. We could analyze a class and regroup the members in dozens, perhaps hundreds of ways.

Look around in American society and you'll see many doors closed. Most require money to enter: no money, no entry. Think of $10,000-per-plate political dinners.

Very few doors require Native Hawaiian ancestry. We belong to a family and community association stretching back many centuries, and have welcomed all races and religions. 

Celebrate Our Aloha.

Friday, January 15, 2016



Da kine puaʻa warriors
Gathered angry for a fight
Some had felt a taste of freedom
They'd been cooped-up very tight...

One wee piglet cursed another
Causing pushes, pokes & bite
Hid by pounding waves & jet wash
Master sniggers in the night...

"You are giving up our kingdom!"
Screamed one captive at his kin
In the brawl he gored their cousin
Disregarding who would win.

"Keep on holding-out forever!"
Counseled military swine...
As they gated off our country
Forcing total redesign.

Fruitful common lands, so long our own
Paved anew with Yankee trash
Native woes; whole families drowning
Kept afloat with drabs of cash.

Let's ask ourselves: Who's got my Land?
Who's actually our foe?
It is not Kanaka Māoli
It's Commander G.I. Joe

Weep for grunts & front-line sailors
Who face danger everyday
Heavy global fighting forces
Serving Corporate USA

Angry factions; much infighting
Battle on abusively
Goaded grossly by deceptions
Hatched in Washington, D.C.

Wave your protest signs at Nimitz
Or the Pentagon's front gate!
Ain't your cousin who's the problem
WE must make our country great.

We inherit much around us
But it's started now to rot
Celebrate all things Hawaiian
Or we'll die an afterthought.

We'll wake up one lovely morning
Just poor pigs, and mighty glum
And we'll sniff a tasty breakfast
Of the sausage we'll become.

With our blood of mighty warriors 
And consensus we can share
We are heirs Aloha ʻĀina
We must steadily prepare.

Let's push back from Occupation.
Native land & worldwide seeds
As a fresh Hawaiian Nation
Making good our local needs.

by Genki

Monday, January 11, 2016

Crushing Native Hawaiians?

What might grow from stifling peaceful Native Hawaiian efforts?

Native Hawaiians are seeking to hold a convention to discuss their future. They've been hampered by a pending lawsuit, AKINA, KELI’I, ET AL. V. HAWAII, ET AL., and intervention by the USA. The Akina troop continues to solicit aid from distant forces. Militarist-controlled Hawaii remains on alert for dictates by the U.S. Supreme Court in far-off Washington, D.C.

What's their goal?  To aggressively cutoff peaceful discussions will force Native Hawaiian people to crisis: to forget high crimes against the Hawaiian nation; to forget felony theft of sacred lands, whole districts, entire islands --- often to serve an externally-imposed military; to forget Queen, culture, heritage and inheritance; and to accept life as standard-issue dark Americans... or to struggle & fight in other ways, perhaps less peaceably.

We who hope to gather are friendly, hopeful Hawaiians seeking peaceful solutions to deep-rooted problems. We're forbidden from counting the ballots cast in our recent election by edict of the U.S. Supreme Court (2 Dec 2015 by 5-4 split), which hides the legitimacy stemming from many many thousands of Native Hawaiians exercising freedom to vote & select spokespersons.

A key question is obscured by Anti-Hawaiian rhetoric: who should participate in choosing Native Hawaiian spokespersons?

The seriousness of the fight to silence us signifies fear. The clamor indicates we've many active enemies. But we continue to search for peaceful solutions and to spread aloha. Is it wise at this stage to crush our efforts? 



Sunday, January 10, 2016

Coalitions & Common Dreams of Freedom

Hawaiian struggles against military occupation have taken many decades.

I just watched a film tonight on TV ("Pride" 2014) about how gay activists assisted Welsh coalminers & their families during the 1984-85 UK miners strike. If we Hawaiians truly expect success, we'll need help & alliances.

The Native Hawaiian fight may last long; best we share experience & successes amongst many groups.

Can we form a headquarters for global outreach & collaboration? Or shall we continue to reach out less effectively in smaller groups & individually? If we've representative people to visit other indigenous peoples elsewhere, and are able to receive similar visitors, there's much to be learned. When Hawaiians are visited by a delegation of Macuxi indians or Nordic Sami people (and vice versa) it's a great, positive international media story with focus on collaboration rather than exclusiveness. Whether or not we create an application path for official delegations, we still must get word out more widely: Native Hawaiians are not dead.

I've brought-up the annexation experience many times in Korea when teaching place marketing. Most people there wholeheartedly condemn Japan's many decades of occupation, and celebrate restoration as a recognized nation. But when I've criticized Koreans for now turning their backs on other occupied peoples, they're generally surprised. "We thought Hawaiians were very happy within the USA..." Mmm - happy as y'all were under rule from Japan!

Too many decisions on Hawaiian people & Hawaiian lands are formulated half-a-world away in Washington D.C. by people who know little about local needs and care nothing of our history or for making things right. Peaceful change will require sustained, strategic & concerted efforts. Coalition-building is a key to success.

Saturday, January 09, 2016

THEFT in Hawaii

Other peoples in the USA can peacefully assemble, inherit, and enjoy living in stable communities. But the Hawaiian experience is fractured by confiscation of land for military bases and unrestricted non-resident real estate speculation -- all controlled from far-away Washington, D.C. (Justice John-Boy Roberts & the Supremes; Big Daddy Warbucks) and filtered through corporate media (Oceanic Time Warner Cable, Black Press, Hearst).

Due to election demographics our State of Hawaii elected leaders cannot peacefully declare an ANTI MILITARIST position (even if they felt that way)...

Hawaii has far too many mammoth U.S. military bases. Hawaii houses many tens of thousands of U.S. Armed Forces. They & their dependents are a potent voting force (one of many criticisms against the illegal statehood vote). Militarism is of course also an important source of State revenue, and business with the military seems essential to many local enterprises.
Let me add mandatory disclaimers of not personally heaping blame on individual soldiers, or even on military preparedness. But I'd prefer the US military were cut 60% or more, and withdrawn from overseas to the U.S. mainland. Arms dealers contrarily insist America is weak and needs upward of three to five times the present military budget.
The fortified violence of U.S. militarism in Hawaii balances precariously with marketing Vacationland Paradise.

When we threaten to rock the boat, however peacefully, entrenched powers can be expected to criticize (or worse). Big corporate media may take the worst possible perspective on our dilemma.
There's no need for community polarization. The USA should stop blocking Native Hawaiian inheritance. We're seeking redress from THEFT -- how is that racial?

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Miaow - Donnie Trump

I'm home for the holidays; my father-in-law listens to Fox News fools at the other end of his home, but the noise goes everywhere.

Fox News just announced: blue-collar male voters, real men, rely on Trump to resist feminization.

Let's face it: Don Trump is a pussy.
Look at him: a made-up sad dolly boy. Let's imagine a fight with Schwarzenegger -- Trump shitting his diaper. Trump's a twat.

Any blue-collar worker who relies on Donnie Trump for manliness is surely what Trump would label him: Loser!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Quiet Clinton

Hillary Clinton has not been much in the news; nor has George W. Bush.

Neither has much to say. Each is little more than a hired lapdog, trained to bark on command of his or her corporate master. American politicians are trained pets, shown-off when necessary, otherwise shut-up; controlled by hidden oligarchs.

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is shunned by corporate media. He has substantial public support, but Sanders is much less obedient than all other candidates for the U.S. Presidency.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Future Theft

I live in a supposed democracy, but many people are unreasonably deprived of choice & voice.

I speak of disenfranchised youth. In many nations, people under 21 (or 20, or 18) are not allowed to vote. They cannot choose the people who govern their lives, young people cannot adjust laws through democratic means.

Our rules are wholly unreasonable as regards climate change. The major problems of climate change are not short-term, but troubles of accumulated decades.

Some geezer in his seventies has little life ahead, and naturally is averse to investing in the distant future. I would allow only those with 50+ years life expectancy to make the key choices: people aged 10 to 30 should be decisionmakers for climate change.

Youth must live long with future-oriented decisions. We need democratic change now!

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Cold-Hearted Capitalists

Some wealthy people, and wannabe rich, believe capitalism is a reasonable & viable system.

Capitalism is cruel. Face the facts. Can you handle the truth?

Many children are homeless all across the wealthy USA. No fault of their own, kids are capitalist victims. Terrible childhood suffering leaves irreversible damages.

Some will say parents are bad for not supporting their kids, or for being poor & reproducing. Harsh reality is many American kids this morning are hungry & cold. Big Daddy Warbucks is heavily at fault. Militarism. Cold-hearted Capitalism ... God Bless America.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

Accountability for American Torture?

This week Human Right Watch (link) published a study severely criticizing torture and enhanced interrogation methods (being now?) used by agents and officials of the United States of America.

Despite substantial pressure, American public outcry, and worldwide condemnation, U.S. Government torture and the perpetrators have largely evaded the criminal justice system. Lack of accountability may be the biggest crime.

Each branch of the U.S. Government, in both former & present administrations, thus share guilt for repeated and severe human rights violations extending to murder. The Bush gang, and the Obama crowd, each pose before a US flag smeared with blood; each tramples on his or her solemn oath to uphold the law.

Read the report:

Government torture is Wrong! Speak out against torturers!

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

US Military? Wasted Money?

The US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction published a shocking quarterly report (30 Oct., link) on American operations in distant Afghanistan.

My main sense of shock comes from:
1) amazement the USA is still entrenched in Afghanistan & elsewhere, wasting lives & money
2) as if uncertain capitalists, the auditors claim surprise & doubt: do contractors cheat Uncle Sam?

US Special Inspector General John Sopko, seems almost to parrot Louis Renault - the opportunist officer of film Casablanca - when interviewed by the BBC:
"It's an outrageous waste of money that raises suspicions that there is something more there than just stupidity. There may be fraud. There may be corruption"

Similar suggestions of corruption arose against Halliburton in Iraq (link). But the company's still going strong. Militarism is Big Business!

Are regular Americans fleeced like sheep? Sure. Already in 2011 a government audit found US contractor fraud in Afghanistan & Iraq cost US$31 billion up to to perhaps $60 billion (report p.68; news comment here). But overt fraud is only part of our wasted spending. I'm happy to argue all spending was not only wasted, but worse: counterproductive. We arrogantly waste money building hatred & continuing enmity, in which untold thousands of innocents are killed or maimed: their people, our people, most are simply people.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Japan ink ?

Perhaps Japan's greatest tourist attractions are the many hot springs, especially open-air baths in the mountains, beautiful countryside, or overlooking the ocean.

Sadly, for many visitors the public baths & hot springs are forbidden. Not because the Japanese officially dislike foreigners, but because hot spring spas, public bathing facilities and even beaches are often off-limits to anyone tattooed.

This means U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy cannot try these delights (with a butterfly tattoo on her right arm). Japan can't use their onsen for international summit meetings, as Canada's new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with his Haida raven tattoo will be excluded (along with British PM David Cameron's wife Samantha and her dolphin)

Many Olympic sports stars will disappointingly be shut-out from using hot springs if Japan is allowed to host the 2020 Olympics. (Hosting remains in doubt due to public opposition, lax construction, and atomic radiation hazards).

Some say tattoos are criminal symbols, but often criminals have no tattoo, while many non-criminals are inked. More to blame is Japan's forced homogeneity, prohibiting variation. Why else would supposedly populist Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto victimize all tattooed municipal employees? (link) Hashimoto sought to push such people from public sector work - perhaps over a tiny sea turtle. By condemning slight differences, Japanese authorities create both irrational fears and a non-innovative society raised solely to labor and die.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Horray Europe

Europe is supposedly facing a migrant crisis.

But much better this than the Total War brought upon us by belligerent chauvinistic nationalism and the global arms industry.

Since the EU lowered our internal borders, we've saved many millions of hours from national border administrative procedures and associated corruption. We've cut defense spending by hundreds of billions of dollars, while the engines of the USA are still (poorly) propelled by defense expenditures, military employment, etc.

American overseas warfare in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria generated much of this refugee crisis.

Europe has accomplished much, richly deserving the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize.

Heroic Dissent

Corporate media (& manipulative politicos) trumpet about Dissidents from Russia, the Soviet Union, China, etc. We learn heroism from Solzhenitsyn, while our dissidents (Assange, Manning, Snowden, etc.) are labeled scumbag criminals.

Oligarchs, elites, the 1%, or "nobility" -- deliberately employ media to restrict your vision with donkey blinders.

They demand & require total transparency.
We're kept in darkness or artificial light.

Resist Secrecy Laws.
Or you & your offspring remain farm animals.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Anti-Democratic US Democrats

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) is in the news for challenging the Democratic National Committee & DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL). The DNC has limited & monopolized Presidential candidate contact: any debating elsewhere will be barred from all remaining of the official six debates (the Republicans have 11).

Gabbard argues to bar unsanctioned contact is ludicrous -- we must instead encourage more interaction with and among candidates, more public discussion on key issues, and more accountability. Gabbard was 'disinvited' from attending the 13 October Democratic Presidential Debate in Las Vegas.

This scandal has grown from the debacle of 15 Jan 2008 (link) disinviting candidate Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) from a key Presidential debate (also discussed here - link). That debate eventually featured Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) & Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) -- None of these scumbags complained of antidemocratic manipulation. They jumped through the lovefest hoops, smiled, lied and colluded. Same shit today.

2008 Democracy Censored:  The Ugly Truth

Monday, October 05, 2015

Damn TPP

First corporations drafted the ideas in secret.

Now, bureaucrats have agreed the secret TPP.

Corrupt politicos and corporate media  say it's a done deal.

But in democracies, we have Voice.

Refuse the Trans Pacific Partnership -- You ain't a partner.  Why'd they keep it secret? Cause it butt-fucks everyone but insiders.  Vote against those supporting TPP.

TPP will change labeling requirements. TPP is to infiltrate your home, your body, and your mind with artificial additives and subterfuge, and TPP will shorten your life. TPP self-certification & shortcuts bypass monitoring of predatory corporations. TPP is a trojan horse for mega-corporations.

TPP is anti-democratic, rooted in corruption. TPP dooms your grandchildren to low-wage servitude. TPP will flush your community down the shitter.

Friday, October 02, 2015

Government Fuckups

Giving bureaucrats the budget & freedom to compile "Total Information Awareness" is stupid and shortsighted. More scandals, blackmail and corruption are ahead.

They spy around the world, and also on our own communities. Because they can never keep a huge data collection both useful and secure, we are less secure.

The Washington Post published a story highlighting this spying foolishness (29 September, link) full of unattributed comments by U.S. officials, and where "The CIA declined to comment."

>> That menacing article itself has an oddly long address:

Today the story was picked up by the BBC (link): data breaches earlier this year in the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) put America's spy networks at grave risk.

Details of professional intelligence officers were reportedly not kept with the stolen files of regular government employees. Seems smart, but surrendering the details of normal workers highlights who is abnormal.

Of course, the CIA may not be so dumb - in fact creating jackets with false details for essential undercover staff. To withdraw & sacrifice some personnel builds enemy complacency.

Overall, one thing's clear: the enemy's us.
Bureaucrats & politicos will reliably fuck up.
All of us depending on data are at greater risk from their foolishness.

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Racist Rockefeller

Most Americans are racist, brought-up with a peon mentality.

Nobody thinks twice when rich folk of the Rockefeller clan inherit land & wealth from their grandparents or great-grandparents. Nelson & John D. Rockefeller III and many siblings weren't dispossessed for being half Aldrich and only a quarter Rockefeller. All be rich rich!

But when it's an injun, or Aleut, or Hawaiian, we've learned racist blabber of "blood quantum"

Colonist rich man hijacked our thought process.

Smearing our inheritance, Richie gobbles more.
Racist intimidation.

Judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree & it's reckoned stupid lifelong...

Ignorance & envy fuel Tribal genocide -- yes, still today.
You need not open your home to everyone. That's not racism.

Dramatic scripts by outsiders disenfranchise, divide & subjugate.

Tribal families are swindled & deprived of inheritance. 
Colonialism endures by messing with our heads.
Be Proud. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Truth Suppression

To be wrong ain't good.
Suppressing truth is much worse.

Japan's leadership is accused of actively suppressing data-collection around the Fukushima nuclear disaster (link).

Looking at official statements, it's fair to declare coverup
-- Two nuclear reactor containment buildings exploded dramatically; Japanese officials claimed, no worries!
-- Nuclear meltdowns: Official admissions years too slow

Injustice anywhere threatens justice everywhere.
                  -- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

People have busy lives, but life-and-death issues are important. Japan's nuclear industry, political leadership, and bureaucracy are criminal.

Many take hints from American bravado. Militarist Bush was reelected, and now honorably retired. Lance Armstrong brazenly defrauded the world, yet is still richly celebrated. Stupidity brings fame as funny media entertainment. We cannot allow deceit to flourish, and devious people to feel there are no consequences...

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Ruled By Scumpany Ltd?

Volkswagen has admitted irregularities; their doctored automotive emissions add unknown hazards & poisons to our environment.

Don't allow secret corporate trade pacts to further corrupt our governments and poison worldwide lives for private profit.

Never accept TTP, TTIP, or TISA

Friday, September 25, 2015

Inc. Crime

This week's Volkswagen emissions scandal draws attention to dangers in the major secret trade agreements being hatched by global corporations, the USA, and foolish governments elsewhere.

Individual nations are to give-up most ability to monitor & license multinational businesses. The cases of Enron, Worldcom, Toshiba, Olympus, Volkswagen and countless others show the dangers of a corporate-managed world. Remember thalidomide babies and Chisso-Minamata mercury poisoning? Greed plus poor oversight led to many thousands of horrific injuries.


PS - The above scandalous stories are merely the tip of a polluted frozen block of waste, as discharged from passenger plane toilets. Corporate scum such as Lance Armstrong & Bernie Madoff ride free for many years -- most weasels never unmasked. We commoners pay!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Fair Share of Refugees

BBC reports:
"US President Barack Obama said all European states should accept their "fair share" of asylum seekers"

"Fairness" would put millions of displaced people in places that elected George W. Bush and FuckYou Dick Cheney.

Texas should get a few million Iraqi refugees thanks to Pres. Bush.

Wyoming can receive millions of Afghan refugees; thank Cheney.

Other Americans who foolishly supported imperialist aggression can partly repay error by hosting a refugee family. America's militarist "solution" crippled huge populations & now hobbles Europe.

As the asylum seekers are not European, but simply terrified displaced humans, support should come from many directions.

Japan last year accepted 11 asylum sufferers

Japan: No No NO Refugees

Corporate Reamed

I like big business for economies-of-scale and efficiency. Big corporations also provide wealth & can counter public sector corruption when they choose to do so.

But there's no good reason mega-corporations should create and fine-tune major global trade agreements which will tie our hands and change our lives. Our governments are corrupted to communicate with corporations but not the citizenry.

Discussions have been kept secret from public scrutiny.

The projects should be trashed.

Trans-Pacific Partnership

Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership

Trade in Services Agreement
(abandoned already by Singapore & Uruguay)

More info at: Our World is Not For Sale

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Japan's PM a War Criminal?

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe is being labeled a "War Criminal" (戦犯 - link) for his belligerent efforts to re-militarize Japan.

Why do local and international news reports feature one instance of disrespectful streetside graffiti from a rural Gifu parking lot?
「こいつは平成のA級戦犯」  (link)

Should PM Abe be lumped as a Class A War Criminal with his infamous maternal grandfather, the Monster of Manchukuo Nobusuke Kishi? (Prime Minister Abe, 安倍晋三, is no known relation to Japanese convicted war criminal Hiroshi Abe - link).

Both Kishi & Abe have ultimately served the interests of America's military -- (more than assisting Japan)?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

How Many Bureaucrats Fit on Your Bike?

I feel continuing pain from Japanese bureaucracy's presumption: backed by law, it's essential we satisfy their demands. They extract huge energies... imagine swimming with a backpack heavy with regulations & administrative documents.  Or a competitive cyclist towing two administrators.

Officials are doing their jobs to gather information, data, license fees, receipts, etc., but huge bureaucracy has great cost. It's wrong when public servants stop being support staff. It's wrong when government employees become self-serving parasites forcing the public to work for them. It's dangerous when bureaucrats operate secretly, controlling the public "for our own good"... (Big players in Japan, China, and Korea learn how money can navigate the bureaucracy, which by definition invites corruption).

Productive activities become bogged-down by bureaucratic reporting. Of course, too few officials examine officialdom cost / benefits.

Hinomaru hiru
Japanese leech

This book calls out a protest:

Friday, September 11, 2015

Atomic Sushi

Today's heavy rain around the crippled Fukushima nuclear reactor led to drainage pump failure, leaking radioactivity into the ocean & wider environment (11-12 Sept. 2015 & ongoing: Tokyo Electric Power TEPCO; further link here).

Effect on Pacific Ocean fish & sea life is unknown...

Is TEPCO irresponsible?  Are they criminal?

Japan: No No NO Refugees

Over 5000 foreign people applied in Japan for refugee status in 2014 (link), and 11 were approved.

Evidence of institutionalized racism?

Prof. Sadako Ogata served 10 years as U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (and another nine years as Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA President) doing huge good around the globe. But Prof. Ogata totally failed making much political impression at home in Japan -- where foreigners are devils.