Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Attacks on India

Yesterday the Government of India executed the sole surviving militant from the 2008 Mumbai attacks, where over 150 people were massacred.

Justice eludes the dead, crushing joys of loved ones lost.

Capital punishment is a feeble, extreme & primitive reaction to atrocity.

The most infamous unanswered attack on India in the recent past was the corporate greed attack on Bhopal, where Union Carbide's criminally hazardous pesticide plant spewed poison gas over hundreds of thousands of people, killing thousands outright, with tens of thousands victims permanently harmed.

Justice eludes the dead, crushing joys of loved ones lost.

Union Carbide (now Dow Chemical) disavowed responsibility. These reckless parasites sucked the profits, passing costs & pain to the community. Chairman Warren Anderson jumped bail and fled India for the USA, where he's been protected from retribution. He's the infamous robber capitalist, and now over 90 years old. His prostituted talents fattened shareholder wallets, but soon he'll join Lucifer & many thousand piteous ghosts in sadness...