Sunday, April 24, 2016

Native Hawaiian Governance Conference, 'Aha 2016

In February 2016, more than 120 Hawaiians gathered daily over four weeks at Maunawili (O'ahu) to regain self-government.

In the midst of grand nature, all people in Hawai'i have a stake in our world-famous Aloha, threatened by commodification & Social Darwinism.

Peacefully working for change, and a minority in our heavily-militarized homeland, we drafted a new Constitution for the Native Hawaiian Nation (see 'Ōiwi TV video), which we're now working with the wider community to ratify.

Key lines from the preamble: "We are a people who Aloha Akua, Aloha ‘Aina, and Aloha each other. We reserve all rights to Sovereignty and Self-determination, including the pursuit of independence."

Native Hawaiian people are united with and integral to the island environment. We thrive -- not for the megawealthy from elsewhere -- but together with nature. Let's all celebrate our world together -- Aloha!