Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Prepare for Disaster

(Not a post aimed at Mrs. Clinton & U.S. politics)

Last week's earthquakes in Ecuador & Japan, and yesterday's flooding in Houston, Texas, show the importance of disaster preparation.

It's best to keep rescue & safety equipment nearby, and prepare relief supplies.

But basic knowledge is also extremely important. Flooding generally means sewer & cesspool contents enter the floodwaters, so even a small cut or abrasion can have very bad consequences. In the city, manhole covers often lift from below by floodwaters - the spot becomes a mantrap, and horrible death to fall down. Waiting for rescue services in a big disaster is often inappropriate - they cannot arrive in time. Save people from collapsed wooden buildings if at all possible (link) - fire roasted alive 10% of the 6500 dead from the 1995 Kobe earthquake.   etc. etc.

Learn Now,
or be culled by coming disaster...

(Above) Two disaster photos after tsunami, Tohoku, Japan; 
(Below) Joplin, Missouri USA after tornado. Each photo is 2011. 

Goldmangate - No Hope

Election Day in New York.  The Crown is being prepared...

Clinton's greed does not make her a bad candidate.
She's an American capitalist! 

But Hillary evades & minimizes her rich relationships.
Corporatist Hillary is squarely on the side of the bosses.

Same old, same old -- or even worse.
When America needs Big Changes Now.

Tired whine. Thanks for your efforts Hillary.
Please find private sector work.

Monday, April 18, 2016


Testing Japanese PM Abe

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzō Abe (安倍 晋三), puppet of American militarism, chauvinist of Yamaguchi, has a great chance in the present earthquake crisis to grow & lead.

Don't expect much, but Let's See...  Remember Abe was born to a supremely powerful (and wealthy) political dynasty, grandson of WWII architect & Class A war crimes captive Nobusuke Kishi.  He's sought forcefully and repeatedly to generate new tribalism in an already highly-homogeneous society that has low tolerance for variation.
Good Luck Japan!

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Will Hillary Clinton's speeches to Goldman Sachs poison her candidacy?  

In 2013, Clinton spoke at three Goldman Sachs events for US$675,000.

Former Senator Hillary Clinton still claims solidarity with working folk & asserts (link): "I did stand up to the banks. I did make it clear that their behavior would not be excused."

Seth Abramson writes (link) that if we saw Clinton's Goldman Sachs speech transcripts, "it could end her candidacy for president."

Goldmangate !

Assorted transcripts & tapes of other Clinton speeches now pepper the internet. But the three Goldman talks (reportedly each an hour-long, @ $225,000 each) were "private" sessions not open to the public. Nice work if you can get it -- but surely not a working class wage.

Major problem is seeking to hide the fact she's highly-corporatist.

Worse for Clinton, the financial services industry is belatedly under huge negative attack from the Panama Papers, Oxfam ("Broken at the Top" - link), and the Bernie Sanders campaign. Self-regulation by Big Business is a dirty joke, considering Enron, the four Trump business bankruptcies, disastrous corporate-led trade agreements (TPP, TTIP), and public bailout of private firms. Now Americans wake up to the rude fact they've heavily subsidized top businesspeople. Surely the Clintons , who've lived top of the world now for 25 years, poorly represent typical citizens. They work hard, but protect the backs of big finance, the banking industry, etc. Hillary's big-money endorsements and coziness with big financiers show she herself is a wealthy oligarch -- no time to befriend the common man, and a tough sell when full-time work doesn't pay a living wage.


Friday, April 15, 2016

A&B = Corporate PIG

The people of Hawai'i are troubled by water problems. Many areas are dry and in constant fire alert status, large segments of Maui are brown and suffer from desertification.

Some problem is sugar industry diversion of water to their extensive private plantations. Biggest user Alexander & Baldwin (A&B d.b.a. Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. and East Maui Irrigation Co.), has enjoyed favored access to public water supplies for over a century. Protected by political connections, and using their leverage on Maui as supplier of agricultural work for hundreds of people, they've diverted streams and tapped into aquifers. They reportedly (link) divert 160 million gallons of water from 100 streams every day.

This same local power allows them open burning of cane fields, a process that fills the air with smoke, ash, and unknown carcinogenic substances (pesticide residues & miles of plastic pvc pipe and black polyethylene are burned with the cane). Subsequent dust is a further problem - blowing offshore and fouling Hawaiian reefs. Their sloppy land stewardship led to generations of complaints, many claimed local health problems, and continuing scars on the beautiful Maui landscape & offshore.

Now A&B are cutting back. They'll soon stop growing sugar cane. But they still demand continuing priority supplies of fresh Maui water.

Hawai'i's State Legislature should no longer give this billion-dollar-plus corporation open-ended authority to divert an unlimited supply of needed public water for their private operations. 

mauitime magazine cover, 27 Sept 2012

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Zapata !

Emiliano Zapata was assassinated on 10 April 1919 age 39.

Zapata struggled for a better world. RIP

Friday, April 08, 2016

Hawaiian Self-Government

Please consider the argument for Hawaiian self-government. Hawai'i's ruled from east coast USA, 5000 miles (8000km) away.

I support Native Hawaiian sovereignty, and have much sympathy for Hawaiian Kingdom activists and the sovereignty asserted & protected by a treasured minority over many decades. But since the 1893 illegal overthrow of Queen Lili'uokalani, it's been 123 years. We've not achieved operational Hawaiian self-government. Controlling a cul-de-sac or a few hamlets is insufficient.

If Native Hawaiians ratify our Kumu Kānāwai (proposed constitution), we then start to form a government. We must expect resistance. Some people probably fear this stage because we're open to infiltration, and entrenched interests will surely seek advantages. We don't wish to trade one set of captors for another. But when the alternative plan is decades more abuse & diminishment from far & near with minimal response, or begrudging Aloha, I'm ready to forge forward now.

Those elected to serve the Native Hawaiian people will be responsible for community reconciliation, and for developing better relationships among the nations of the world, including with the USA. I personally hope we can pilot our lāhui & nation to full & complete independence, maintaining peace, and one day celebrate the shutdown of US military bases. (Others disagree.) Predictable future difficulties include promotion of a complex economy, and the huge challenge to govern unruly Hawaiians. And yes, we may be outmaneuvered once again. But I speak confidently for many Hawaiian warriors --
We will Never Give Up! 

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Fools Trust Media

Just saw an interview by Swedish state-run television SVT with Icelandic PM Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, where the PM hastily escaped (link) after questions focused on his personal finances.


Unfortunately the interview tape (labeled "long version" at 7min 44sec) is nonetheless edited down at a critical time (about 6:18, just before Gunnlaugsson stands up). How much was shaved away, and why? We may never know...

Did the PM in fact "storm out" of the interview as widely reported around the world​? At minimum, the SVT link should not be labeled as "(lång version)" if & when it is crucially incomplete.

Perhaps the Icelandic PM discussed his personal financial details for five or ten minutes before refusing to continue. This is not at all to defend the interviewee, but editing / chopping the tape at that important point is bad journalism.

Important documents such as this interview should be ​trustworthy. The tape is raw in other ways, showing the lighting setup and production staff -- presumably to generate trust.

Show the whole tape. The edit reflects badly on SVT globally. 

We pay for SVT and I feel manipulated.

(more via The Guardian here)

Monday, April 04, 2016

Peaceful Freedom: Malta & Hawai'i?

The highly-strategic Mediterranean islands of Malta were repeatedly occupied by outside forces over thousands of years. Recent transitions were from a British colony, to an independent Commonwealth state, to an independent Republic from 1974 (with British forces still resident). But renegotiated lease agreements at much higher rents led to British military withdrawal in 1979. I enjoyed 31st March 2016 "Freedom Day" in Malta, and dream Hawai'i finds a similar peaceful path to self-government. The US military, perched on confiscated Hawaiian lands, can't justify or properly pay for their half-dozen military golf courses on O'ahu. Hearty goodbye with Aloha.

Monday, March 28, 2016

RIP Bill Burgess

H. William Burgess, an inveterate proponent of Yankee Occupation & Land Grab (YOLG) in Hawaii, died of natural causes 16 March 2016 in Honolulu.

It's a testament to non-violence and the Aloha Spirit that Burgess, who consistently ridiculed Native Hawaiian inheritance rights & indigenous efforts for self-government, could live out his days peacefully to age 85 in beautiful Hawaii.   Rest in Peace Bill. 

See also:
Native Hawaiians Dole Out Peace   (link)
 -- pamphlet detailing racist suppression of Hawaiians
( or .pdf file) needs a minute to download

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Rigged Elections USA

There's no excuse that prospective voters must stand waiting in line for hours. It's not rocket science for states to build proper voter lists.

Americans are deliberately being disenfranchised.

This situation is beyond party politics, and it STINKS. Democrat, Republican, or otherwise, look clearly at the USA -- it's NOT democracy, it's an enslaved society.

Read this article (link) and weep.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Let My People Go

Native Hawaiians have been peacefully working for self-determination. The Hawaiian Kingdom was illegally overthrown in 1893. Though neutral by international treaty, nobody helped the Hawaiian people... (we collected many apologies).

The recent Native Hawaiian Constitution (link to process of ratification) (link to .pdf) is one effort toward justice, sovereignty, and self-government.

Parallel efforts harness wider discontent with the US Federal Government, and the bogus politicos offered to the American people. Many US citizens ("from sea to shining sea") are revolted by the 2016 USA election. Hawaiians reject rule by Washington DC, 5000 miles away, but We're Not Alone. The Yankee giant is unmanageable. We need more independent states... Breakup of the union was once unthinkable; but now corporate infiltration, debt & decay have made disintegration inevitable.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP) threaten America's government & our future survival. Don't like it? Tough = eat shit. We lose freedom to resist.

Yankee War Machines
Polluting and Displacing
Aloha ‘Āina

Native Hawaiians Dole Out Peace   (link)
 -- pamphlet detailing racist suppression of Hawaiians
(or .pdf file) needs a minute to download

Hawaiians share solidarity with indigenous cousins worldwide.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

RIP: Louana Lyman Lambert

Bettie Louana Lyman Lambert, 81, formerly of West Yarmouth, MA, passed away peacefully on February 16th, 2016 surrounded by family, at her seaside home in Kihei, Maui, Hawaii.

Louana was born on May 24th, 1934 in Hilo, Hawaii to Elizabeth Leilehua Mills Lyman & Francis Lyman. She was twelfth generation descent from Kuali'i (King of Oahu & Ali'i Aimoku of Kaua'i) and Kalanikahimakaialii (Ni'aupi'o Ali'i princess of Maui). Many recent family members were educators, including New England missionaries David Belden & Sara Joiner Lyman, who arrived in 1832 and soon founded the Hilo Boarding School. Their family home & grounds later became The Lyman Mission House Museum, an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institute.

As a child, Louana loved to swim in and explore the tidal pools surrounding Hilo Bay. She enjoyed and excelled in her academics, and learned much from her Tutu Irma Rosehill (Farden). As a young adult she moved to Honolulu to attend Kamehameha School for Girls, where she graduated with honors in 1952 with many lifelong friends. Her paternal grandmother Tutu Kalei Ewaliko Lyman had been in the first graduating class of 1897.

Louana chose to attend Boston University over Stanford, and graduated in 1956 with a Bachelor of Science in Education. While attending BU, she met the man who'd soon become her husband, Donald "Capt. Red" Lambert. They married in December of 1956, and after living & working briefly in both California and Hawaii, moved back to Massachusetts to settle in West Yarmouth on Cape Cod. They lived happily together on the Cape for the next 40 years, raising six sons.

Louana truly loved all children and felt personal responsibility for their well-being. She taught kindergarten at Cookies Pre-School in Hyannis, MA and help shape the lives of countless kids over the years. Even after retirement, Louana still felt the need to take care of "the little ones." She became a regular volunteer with Head Start to help those underprivileged with early childhood education. Louana was an active member of the West Yarmouth Congregational Church and Women's Fellowship. She helped organize food and clothes drives for those in need, and was a regular participant in the annual ten-mile heifer walk for hunger. She also served many decades as a Cub Scout leader (she'd been a Curved Bar Girl Scout; today's Gold Award). Among other hobbies, she enjoyed quilting, painting, & collecting objects from nature.

Louana lost her beloved husband Red on December 30th, 2014 after 58 years of marriage (link). She leaves behind 6 married sons: Dr. Bruce Henry Lambert of Stockholm, Sweden; Capt. Kriss Alexander Lambert of Washington State; Ross Francis Lambert of West Barnstable, MA; Capt. Keith Drummond Lambert of Kihei, Hawaii; Dana Lyman Lambert of East Dennis, MA; and Dr. Ryan Kaleo Stuart Lambert of Honolulu; 3 grandchildren: Connor Lyman, Kailani Dawn, and Brooks Cameron; 1 great-grandson: Ka'eo Makanakeakua; and many inlaws & extended family. 'Ohana in Hawaii include the Lyman, Mills, Mattoon, Payne, Rosehill, Farden, Ewaliko, Rath, Kamai, Brickwood and Kuali'i progeny; family elsewhere include Drummond, Diamond, Brockleman, McGowan, Gripp, Gibbons, O'Donnell, Quenzer & Robertsons. Burial at convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers or donations, the family begs you to honor Louana by donating in your own community to children's causes or those less fortunate.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

No News Ain't Good News -- Hello Censorship

News of peaceful resistance by indigenous people of Alaska & Hawai'i is stifled in the USA.

Here's an article by probably missed or ignored by your local news sources:

Аляска и Гавайи просят ООН признать США оккупантами   (Translated eight months later:)

Alaska & Hawaii Ask UN to Recognize US Occupation

By Ollie Richardson
Global Research, February 02, 2016
Fort Russ 31 January 2016

The indigenous peoples of Alaska and Hawaii appealed to the international community through the United Nations with a request to ensure their right to self-determination. The letter was circulated in Geneva.
In the address, the representatives of the peoples of Alaska and Hawaii urged UN members to raise the issue on May 11th in the framework of the consideration of the UN Council on Human Rights of the periodic review of the human rights and freedoms in the United States, according to TASS.
The appeal emphasizes that the sale of Russian Alaska to the United States in 1867 did “not mean the transfer of sovereignty over Alaska to the United States” and the “US invasion of Hawaii in 1893 was a violation of bilateral treaties and international law.”
“The territory of Alaska and Hawaii in 1959 were absorbed by the United States through deception and deliberate breaches of the mandate and UN principles, and the process of self-determination”, – stated the document.
Residents of the two U.S. States urged the UN “to fix the mistake” and use peaceful means to achieve a referendum for the self-determination of Alaska and Hawaii. For a more effective action in this direction, even set up a joint working group – “Alliance of Alaska-Hawaii for self-determination.”
“They’re taking our land and are mining mineral resources in huge quantities, causing damage to the environment. We believe that the Russians can help us. The year 2017 will mark 150 years since the sale of Alaska by Russia to the USA. If we could, working with the Russians, provide the truth about what really happened in history and to reject the distorted concepts about Alaska and our people, I think it would be a good way to rectify the situation,” – said the representative of Alaska in the working group “Alliance Alaska-Hawaii for self-determination” Ronald Barnes to the meeting in the Swiss press club in Geneva.
“Our culture is suppressed. However, US actions are directed not only against our culture but also of world peace, because Hawaii hosts the military base of Pearl Harbor. During military exercises they pollute our land and water. From this people get sick. This is an abuse of our land and people. We don’t want to be a part of the war machine”, – said the representative of Hawaii Leon Siu.
In an interview with TASS, Barnes stressed that Alaska and Russia have a lot of common in history, culture and religion. “I am Orthodox”, he said in Russian. Continuing in English, he said that many of his relatives have Russian names and Russian words are used, for example, “handkerchief” and “oil”. “We believe that the Russians could help us, said Barnes. “The year 2017 will mark 150 years since the sale of Alaska by Russia to the USA. If we could, working with the Russians, provide the truth about what really happened in history and reject the distorted concepts about Alaska and our people, I think it would be a good way to fix the situation.” According to Barnes, Alaska could become “a neutral state lying between Russia and the West”.
Recall that Alaska became part of the USA in 1867. Prior to that, it was under the control of the Russian-American company, but was sold by the Tsarist government. The state is home to 88 thousand representatives of indigenous peoples, including Eskimos, Aleuts and Indians.
The Hawaiian Islands were annexed by the USA in 1900. They received statehood in 1959, before the island functioned as a self-governing territory. The proportion of remaining indigenous population in Hawaii does not exceed 10% of the 1360 thousand total population of the Islands.
Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Fight the Shadows

We fight too often among ourselves, without progress.

And not accidentally: we must struggle to recognize the enemy ain't simply the fool delivering bad news, or the person nearby with a different strategy. The true enemy profits from our confusion. That fucker deliberately sows trouble among us.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Squatting on Our Land?

The wider community in Hawai'i has a huge range of opinion about Native Hawaiians. The indigenous people had a robust society & ancient culture. Our Kingdom, internationally-recognized, militarily-neutral, was illegally overthrown by Yankee-backed businessmen. The nation is now occupied by the USA and U.S. military, who still wish to suppress Hawaiian self-determination through misinformation, intimidation, and a full range of dirty tricks. Damn Yankees!

I'm Native Hawaiian. I'm not a lawyer, so can't comment properly on law, and even less on Yankee Law. But it seems we should have legal standing based upon the fact our inheritance was stolen. That an aggrieved group / injured party of Native Hawaiians combine to seek relief is not "racial discrimination" or "based solely upon race!" any more than if a family combined to seek justice. Yes, the family share a racial dimension, but is that license to steal from them?

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Storm in Fiji

American media dishes us up many hours of grim anticipation on severe US East Coast snowfalls where they've built infrastructure to handle storms.

Our Pacific cousins in Fiji are suffering a monster storm almost ignored by media. Even if we only send them a prayer -- they don't suffer alone.




Cyclone Winston battered Fiji from 20 - 22 February,
killing 44 people & leaving 112,800 homeless.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Is Aloha Threatened?

Today's Hawai'i must face a strategic question:
Is Aloha Threatened? 

We Native Hawaiians brought Aloha to the wider world, and now Our Aloha is a key part of the visitor & hospitality industries. But during this long foreign Occupation of Hawaii, Yankee has grabbed far more than any contribution. Aloha has become systematically incommensurate, and rudely commodified. Loss of Our Aloha could have serious & negative repercussions for business and investors. Loss of aloha forces reconsideration of many social relations. Too many injustices have been heaped upon us. The wider community should be returning key Hawaiian lands.

Is our aloha forcibly & permanently appropriated along with our lands? Should Oahu have a dozen military golf courses, or six, or zero? Close down all military golf courses, especially those on stolen Hawaiian lands. I further believe the extensive military installation on Waikiki Beach & Hale Koa Hotel are horrible symbols of Yankee occupation.

[ quote from http://halekoa.com ]
Aloha! Overlooking the turquoise waters of world famous Waikiki beach, the Hale Koa Hotel is nestled on a 72-acre tropical oasis fronting the finest stretch of beach in Waikiki.

HISTORY   Fort DeRussy has evolved immensely from 1906, when it was sold as a 72-acre parcel of “undesirable” land ...

Sure ---
-- 72 "undesirable" acres on world-famous Waikiki Beach?
Such lies bring seven words to mind:  
Return Our Land, you thieving Yankee fuckers. 

We must beware of getting overly soft, technical, or conciliatory. We must also focus on CRIMES and continuing marginalization of Native Hawaiians on OUR islands.

Imua !     ( Forward ! )