Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Before Korea is Vaporized ...

During Korea's last presidential election, it was proven that Korea's National Intelligence Service (국가정보원), the Korean Armed Force's Cyber Command (국군사이버사령부), and an organized section of the Ministry of Patriots & Veterans Affairs (국가보훈처) reportedly operated to swing the election to Park Geun-hye. Scores of secret operatives planted false messages & fake news, while others infiltrated social media with over a million corrupt messages.

Here are some links:

This extreme political intervention was blatantly illegal, circumventing the neutrality required of government officials & public employees in supposedly democratic South Korea.

Favored candidate Park Geun-hye was elected but now is impeached and detained. She's being charged with other crimes.

The darker side can now be confronted as Korea's again held hostage:
--- Where were the Americans?

Was the USA ignorant of these anti-democratic maneuvers?

Did America orchestrate or support the cyber warfare favoring Park Geun-hye for President? Certainly America was a close "friend" of her father, General Park Chung-hee -- Korea's President & dictator from the early 1960s to 1979. He'd backed-up America in Vietnam, and his KCIA had little regard for democracy or domestic human rights.

Now Korea seems on the brink of war -- during this key presidential campaign. Just a coincidence?

Yankee lives in the heart of Seoul. How much do American officials in Korea know of Korean government corruption? How much does America pull the strings?

I've many Korean friends. Sadly, they're now pawns in a much larger game -- their lives being gambled and threatened by Washington D.C. and other dark & hidden forces. That's terrible!